Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

Contributing to Better Societies Through Our Business Activities
With a focus on feeding programs to drought stricken areas, environmental preservation, development of people and workplaces that support our business, contributions to livable communities,and a firm foundation in compliance, Kawsar makes various efforts for the benefit of our stakeholders—customers, shareholders, employees and local communities.
To continue earning the trust of society as a company of integrity, we are strengthening our efforts for legal compliance and working to instill a strong sense of ethics in our employees.To that end, it is essential that individual members have a proper awareness, make appropriate judgements and act responsibly.
At Kawsar as we undertake business activities, we instruct members throughout the organization to conduct themselves using good judgement;
- Through compliance awareness
- Legal risks
- Compliance with anti-corruption
- Through ongoing import control
- Education and awareness raising
- Improving consultation and reporting contacts.
Building Livable Communities
We aim to contribute to a compassionate society in which every employee reaches out to the community, and undertake activities that help to make each of the communities where Kawsar conducts business better places to live. Our efforts have largely been towards Kilifi county where drought is a constant challenge to the locals there.